Nov 19, 2012

Fire engulfs skyscraper city Dubai: desert(ed) world sinks in flames

Poster Galaxy about "Big fire in skyscraper Dubai", today, November 17, 2012:
And no, it didn't collapse in it's own footprint.

Poster Disturbed replies:
Because no plane did fly into it of course.... 

Last Prophet replies:
Talk of "no planes", "skyscrapes in fire" and the "collapse" piece:

Last Prophet was the first to pick that piece, discovered first by a finnish military expert, and place it in the puzzle.
In fact it was the last missing piece. In other words, by doing it, Last Prophet completed the entire puzzle.
Mini Hydrogen-bombs - The core cover-up of the 9/11 WTC bombs demolition: 

Talk of Dubai, skyscrapers and to "fall or not to fall"
Last Prophet's words from long ago:
The word skyscraper appears as a piece of the puzzle. in fact the entire puzzle is solved in a few lines.

Click glp result, one of the few pages that survived CIA censorship at a site created by the CIA for "Anonymous Cowards":
... probably because it was archived first by, March 1, 2009:

"Thousands of cars abandoned at Dubai airport "
In that page see post from February 10, 2009, the title is in red. 
January 27, 2009 - Prophet explains the role of DUBAI in Illuminati End Times, the last "booming economy" illusion kept alive by the Illuminati. (1)
That included explaining how Financial Armageddon and Dubai fit in the Illuminati End Times puzzle of total deception. In other words: the tactic of selling oil below production costs pushed to the utter limits was the missing piece required to magnify the Dubai illuminati end time sign (using the last resources to build the ultimate skyscraper city in the desert) to the utter limits.
February 5, 2009 - Shortly after the Prophet's words, an illuminati media outlet (The Times), is forced to let the audience have a glimpse at the Truth, for the first time. (3)

(1) January 27, 2009 - The role of *** DUBAI *** in Illuminati End Times - explained worldwide first by ET Prophet
After the levees breached, a few weeks earlier than expected and short before suicide Obomber was supposed to detonate his bomb (2), there is only one area left in Illuminatziland where apparently the population did not yet hear the sound of the last trumpets: Dubai, where one out of each four cranes of the world is now being used.

The pinnacle of skyscraper city, built in the sand of a desert from where the last oil is now pumped out to be offered by the illuminati and their arab agents almost for free ... would soon be a ghost town, even if nukes would not be flying earlier.
Another end times sign that was explained only by End Times Prophet.
Reminder: how the illuminati antichrist uses the muslim antichrist in the battle of Armageddon was explained first and so far only by End Times Prophet ...

(2) Illuminati lost the battle of Financial Armageddon against the REAL Putin in 2007 
Yet the illuminati were able to kill Putin and replacing him with an imposter in 2010.
Financial Armageddon, last possible non nuclear weapon of Armageddon, was fully launched by the Illuminati because systemic collapse arrived a few weeks before expected and shortly before suicide "Hussein Obomber II" was supposed to detonate the bomb.

(3) February 5, 2009, Illuminati media:
With no oil to back it up, desert economy is built on shifting sand
Driven down by debt, Dubai expats give new meaning to long-stay car park

There is also a link to a Last Prophet's blog in the first ten results by angelic Google:
All links to forums in that page were censored by the illuminati, except for a closed thread:

Talk of "skyscrapes in fire" and "collapse": Dead Sea, Land of Israel - fake and real suicide bombers overflying the world sinking in the Big Soup Bowl where the last receipt of the last cooking TV series is served: the Apocalyptic Jambalaya of Doom
Two transcriptions from the previously mentioned glp page, about abandoned cars in skyscraper city Dubai:
"shortly before suicide "Hussein Obomber II" was supposed to detonate the bomb", second note, February 10 2009;
The World is sinking: Dubai islands 'falling into the sea' , Last Prophet quotes illuminati media, Jan 20, 2011:

Last Prophet's words on "Obama"'s 2009 911 remake overflying the New York skyscrapers, this time packaged in the illuminati joke format:
"a remake of human cattle freaking out":

The post references another "Obama" act staged in the same format weeks earlier, "Obama 100 days".
That was the moment chosen by Last Prophet to finally reveal worldwide first the FULL STORY about the murder of John F. Kennedy Jr, 10 years earlier and a milestone in the final descent to Fire Lake.

The script now finally has "Obama" detonating each day, from "Benghazigate" to Donald playing "Last" Trump-et, from the "fake" "death" of "Osama" to the "murder" of "his granny".

Two previews were already released:
1. Collapse of banks with anihilation of savings and pension funds of human cattle:

2. Mass detentions to feed extermination camps:

Before Syria and 911 are repeated from Berlin to LA and from Istanbul to Seattle as "brainwashed NATO air force pilots non-stop bombing own cities" and "nuclear holocaust", there are two movies that can no longer be postponed:
1. All out war to finally destroy Israel:

2. Supervised ethnic civil war:

But all these productions run on a sinking stage.

"Latest flyover of the Louisiana sinkhole - November 14, 2012"
Poster replies:
"All of those trees are trying to get water from an area that's now full of diesel, oil, salt, and whatever the hell else is in that Apocalyptic Jambalaya of Doom."
Last Prophet replies:
"´fattened cattle' ... in burning desert(ed) skyscraper city eating from the Big Soup Bowl." 

Last Prophet's 2004 words, one year before New Orleans sank:
Will Big Easy turn into Big Soup Bowl ? New Orleans faces destruction
9 posts - 4 authors - 15 Sep 2004

Gassed Last Prophet's 2007 words:
HORRIBLE TRUTH about drastic increase of Cooking television series:
The closer it gets to the slaughter the more important it is to keep the "fattened cattle" picture alive.
But now it is no more because the picture is required while the human cattle is transported to the slaughterhouse.
The reason now is to distract the human cattle from the fact that, while waiting INSIDE the slaughterhouse, they are fed BEYOND what was originally planned.

Dec 2011:
Last Trumpets, the ultimate End Times Paradox, solved by Last Prophet: as simple as 1+1
the FINAL DESCENT alias SINK HOLE to HELL - what has now begun in USA began a few years ago at the DEAD SEA, LAND OF ISRAEL
thread at glp deleted by the CIA 2010 with 20,000+ views

*** MAKE NO MISTAKE *** FLOODS are not the END like with Noah. This time it is the building of the FINAL DESCENT alias SINK HOLE to HELL
30 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 26 Nov 2010
Discussion about *** BREAKING ** AERIAL PHOTO *** Path to HELL sign appear in one second, as predicted by the VERY LAST PROPHET at the ...
*** UNBELIEVABLE *** but TRUE *** what has now begun in USA began a few years ago at the DEAD SEA, LAND OF ISRAEL. Yet only one added 1+1 = 2 - censpred link:
Update: Illuminati web of disinfo outlet godlikeproductions:
- most of Last Prophet's words don't survive long.
- since 2013 web.archive is forbidden to display the archived TRUTH posted at that site (executed by simply changing the godlikeproductiions robots.txt file).

Added March 2015:
Massive sinkholes devouring what’s left of shriveling Dead Sea

2012 Nov: --