Poster Galaxy about "Big fire in skyscraper Dubai", today, November 17, 2012:
And no, it didn't collapse in it's own footprint.
Poster Disturbed replies:
Because no plane did fly into it of course....
Last Prophet replies:
Talk of "no planes", "skyscrapes in fire" and the "collapse" piece:
Last Prophet was the first to pick that piece, discovered first by a finnish military expert, and place it in the puzzle.
In fact it was the last missing piece. In other words, by doing it, Last Prophet completed the entire puzzle.
Mini Hydrogen-bombs - The core cover-up of the 9/11 WTC bombs demolition:
Talk of Dubai, skyscrapers and to "fall or not to fall"
Last Prophet's words from long ago:
The word skyscraper appears as a piece of the puzzle. in fact the entire puzzle is solved in a few lines.
Click glp result, one of the few pages that survived CIA censorship at a site created by the CIA for "Anonymous Cowards":
... probably because it was archived first by, March 1, 2009:
"Thousands of cars abandoned at Dubai airport "
In that page see post from February 10, 2009, the title is in red.
January 27, 2009 - Prophet explains the role of DUBAI in Illuminati End Times, the last "booming economy" illusion kept alive by the Illuminati. (1)
That included explaining how Financial Armageddon and Dubai fit in the Illuminati End Times puzzle of total deception. In other words: the tactic of selling oil below production costs pushed to the utter limits was the missing piece required to magnify the Dubai illuminati end time sign (using the last resources to build the ultimate skyscraper city in the desert) to the utter limits.
February 5, 2009 - Shortly after the Prophet's words, an illuminati media outlet (The Times), is forced to let the audience have a glimpse at the Truth, for the first time. (3)
(1) January 27, 2009 - The role of *** DUBAI *** in Illuminati End Times - explained worldwide first by ET Prophet
After the levees breached, a few weeks earlier than expected and short before suicide Obomber was supposed to detonate his bomb (2), there is only one area left in Illuminatziland where apparently the population did not yet hear the sound of the last trumpets: Dubai, where one out of each four cranes of the world is now being used.
The pinnacle of skyscraper city, built in the sand of a desert from where the last oil is now pumped out to be offered by the illuminati and their arab agents almost for free ... would soon be a ghost town, even if nukes would not be flying earlier.
Another end times sign that was explained only by End Times Prophet.
Reminder: how the illuminati antichrist uses the muslim antichrist in the battle of Armageddon was explained first and so far only by End Times Prophet ...
(2) Illuminati lost the battle of Financial Armageddon against the REAL Putin in 2007
Yet the illuminati were able to kill Putin and replacing him with an imposter in 2010.
Financial Armageddon, last possible non nuclear weapon of Armageddon, was fully launched by the Illuminati because systemic collapse arrived a few weeks before expected and shortly before suicide "Hussein Obomber II" was supposed to detonate the bomb.
(3) February 5, 2009, Illuminati media:
With no oil to back it up, desert economy is built on shifting sand
Driven down by debt, Dubai expats give new meaning to long-stay car park
There is also a link to a Last Prophet's blog in the first ten results by angelic Google:
All links to forums in that page were censored by the illuminati, except for a closed thread:
Talk of "skyscrapes in fire" and "collapse": Dead Sea, Land of Israel - fake and real suicide bombers overflying the world sinking in the Big Soup Bowl where the last receipt of the last cooking TV series is served: the Apocalyptic Jambalaya of Doom
Two transcriptions from the previously mentioned glp page, about abandoned cars in skyscraper city Dubai:
- "shortly before suicide "Hussein Obomber II" was supposed to detonate the bomb", second note, February 10 2009;
- The World is sinking: Dubai islands 'falling into the sea' , Last Prophet quotes illuminati media, Jan 20, 2011:
Last Prophet's words on "Obama"'s 2009 911 remake overflying the New York skyscrapers, this time packaged in the illuminati joke format:
"a remake of human cattle freaking out":
The post references another "Obama" act staged in the same format weeks earlier, "Obama 100 days".
That was the moment chosen by Last Prophet to finally reveal worldwide first the FULL STORY about the murder of John F. Kennedy Jr, 10 years earlier and a milestone in the final descent to Fire Lake.
The script now finally has "Obama" detonating each day, from "Benghazigate" to Donald playing "Last" Trump-et, from the "fake" "death" of "Osama" to the "murder" of "his granny".
Two previews were already released:
1. Collapse of banks with anihilation of savings and pension funds of human cattle:
2. Mass detentions to feed extermination camps:
Before Syria and 911 are repeated from Berlin to LA and from Istanbul to Seattle as "brainwashed NATO air force pilots non-stop bombing own cities" and "nuclear holocaust", there are two movies that can no longer be postponed:
1. All out war to finally destroy Israel:
2. Supervised ethnic civil war:
But all these productions run on a sinking stage.
"Latest flyover of the Louisiana sinkhole - November 14, 2012"
Poster replies:
"All of those trees are trying to get water from an area that's now full of diesel, oil, salt, and whatever the hell else is in that Apocalyptic Jambalaya of Doom."
Last Prophet replies:
"´fattened cattle' ... in burning desert(ed) skyscraper city eating from the Big Soup Bowl."
Last Prophet's 2004 words, one year before New Orleans sank:
Will Big Easy turn into Big Soup Bowl ? New Orleans faces destruction
9 posts - 4 authors - 15 Sep 2004
Gassed Last Prophet's 2007 words:
HORRIBLE TRUTH about drastic increase of Cooking television series:
The closer it gets to the slaughter the more important it is to keep the "fattened cattle" picture alive.
But now it is no more because the picture is required while the human cattle is transported to the slaughterhouse.
The reason now is to distract the human cattle from the fact that, while waiting INSIDE the slaughterhouse, they are fed BEYOND what was originally planned.
Dec 2011:
Last Trumpets, the ultimate End Times Paradox, solved by Last Prophet: as simple as 1+1
the FINAL DESCENT alias SINK HOLE to HELL - what has now begun in USA began a few years ago at the DEAD SEA, LAND OF ISRAEL
thread at glp deleted by the CIA 2010 with 20,000+ views
*** MAKE NO MISTAKE *** FLOODS are not the END like with Noah. This time it is the building of the FINAL DESCENT alias SINK HOLE to HELL
30 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 26 Nov 2010
Discussion about *** BREAKING ** AERIAL PHOTO *** Path to HELL sign appear in one second, as predicted by the VERY LAST PROPHET at the ...
*** UNBELIEVABLE *** but TRUE *** what has now begun in USA began a few years ago at the DEAD SEA, LAND OF ISRAEL. Yet only one added 1+1 = 2 - censpred link:
Update: Illuminati web of disinfo outlet godlikeproductions:
- most of Last Prophet's words don't survive long.
- since 2013 web.archive is forbidden to display the archived TRUTH posted at that site (executed by simply changing the godlikeproductiions robots.txt file).
Added March 2015:
Massive sinkholes devouring what’s left of shriveling Dead Sea
2012 Nov: --
End of Age
Nov 19, 2012
Jul 3, 2012
Age Before Renaissance: End Times Clues by google: TRUTH about the _AST and BEYOND
END TIMES C_L_U_E_S: Unbelievable first Google page: TRUTH about the _AST and BEYOND
The Age before the Renaissance: first three google results
All from Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of YOUR AGE.
Try to guess what X is before the first of the two google searches implied in article.
As explained below:
Unlike the second google search, the first one doesn't require previously solving a riddle and returns X as the first word of the third result.
Title of the third result: X Ages (historiography).
Note about X, a 4 characters word:
- it's a REAL synonym for YOUR Age.
- together with Age, either in the singular or plural forms, it's indeed how the illuminati named the Age before the Age that the Illuminati named Renaissance.
Titles of the first two results:
1. List of time periods
Note: this first result is highlighted by Google, with the two first words being an official synonym for X, albeit NOT a synonym for our Age, officially or not, alias in reality.
2. Renaissance
END TIMES C_L_U_E_S: Unbelievable what google returns for this riddle
Replace L by the next character in the alphabet to solve the riddle that returns the name of your Age and BEYOND.
What BEYOND means
Once you've solved the END TIMES C_L_U_E_S riddle, google the solution.
The first page of results is the TRUTH not only about the _AST but ALSO about the other two chapters of the trilogy that the _AST is part of.
The first google search "coincidentally" includes a X. As stated in article: X is the first word of the third result:
For the record, the first page of google results is still the same at the time this was reposted, Dec 16, 2016:
Click this only after having solved the riddle:
An END TIMES riddle where the keyword that turns it into an End Times Paradox is "coincidentally" _AST.
Why Matt IS the very LAST Prophet: he could _ _e the _AST at the END
The Age before the Renaissance: first three google results
All from Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of YOUR AGE.
Try to guess what X is before the first of the two google searches implied in article.
As explained below:
Unlike the second google search, the first one doesn't require previously solving a riddle and returns X as the first word of the third result.
Title of the third result: X Ages (historiography).
Note about X, a 4 characters word:
- it's a REAL synonym for YOUR Age.
- together with Age, either in the singular or plural forms, it's indeed how the illuminati named the Age before the Age that the Illuminati named Renaissance.
Titles of the first two results:
1. List of time periods
Note: this first result is highlighted by Google, with the two first words being an official synonym for X, albeit NOT a synonym for our Age, officially or not, alias in reality.
2. Renaissance
END TIMES C_L_U_E_S: Unbelievable what google returns for this riddle
Replace L by the next character in the alphabet to solve the riddle that returns the name of your Age and BEYOND.
What BEYOND means
Once you've solved the END TIMES C_L_U_E_S riddle, google the solution.
The first page of results is the TRUTH not only about the _AST but ALSO about the other two chapters of the trilogy that the _AST is part of.
The first google search "coincidentally" includes a X. As stated in article: X is the first word of the third result:
For the record, the first page of google results is still the same at the time this was reposted, Dec 16, 2016:
Click this only after having solved the riddle:
An END TIMES riddle where the keyword that turns it into an End Times Paradox is "coincidentally" _AST.
Why Matt IS the very LAST Prophet: he could _ _e the _AST at the END
Last Prophet,
Aug 15, 2009
Usain Bolt maximum speed Human Physical Limits in Universe World Book
Introduction added Aug 2016, after van Niekerk's record
Universe World and Human Physical Limits: was the very LAST milestone set at Rio's 400 meters?
Rio, Aug 15, 2016, 2:00 GMT, late evening local time: South Africa's Van Niekerk breaks Michael Johnson's world record from 1999.
Does this complete the Age of Discovery for (Measurable) Limits?
Headlines omit Van Niekerk - Why?
Michael Johnson's 400 world record falls as LaShawn Merritt takes bronze medal: No mention of who set the world record.
Ultimately for the same reason why the Aug 2009 articles omitted any mention of the milestone that Last Prophet recognized.
The "downplay importance" psy-op goes in this case beyond the agenda of completing the destruction of athletics.
It's also part of preventing human cattle to realize what milestones are being set.
From Jamaica's Lightning Bolt 2009 to South Africa's Van Nikerk 2016
Did Van Niekerk set a milestone in the Age of Discovery of Human Physical Performance? Was it actuallyt the very last one?
In any case Van Niekerk's world record was paradoxically set
- at the end of a show the Illuminati Grand Master reduced to a parody of simulated reality.
- just before Usain Bolt would set yet another milestone, this time only in the 100 m History of World Championships and Olympic Games, adding to seven consecutive global titles.
The same number of titles as the greatest cyclist ever got in the Tour de France before he was executed by the illuminati.
Aug 15, 2016 - Michael Johnson's 400 world record falls as LaShawn Merritt takes bronze medal
----- Last Prophet's words from Aug 2009 [text added 2016 in brackets]
Age of Discovery (of the World limits):
Two types of milestones were set: new paths and new land.
The new land was either uninhabited or not, and in the firs case habitable or not.
The reduced or REAL Age of Discovery
It consisted of the discovery of previously unknown and both unihabited and habitable land.
The first undeniable evidence for such a milestone was set by the arrival of portuguese sailing ships to the islands of the Madeira and Azores archipelagos, starting 1415.
An Age of Discovery of Limits that was completed 1788 with the sighting of Lord Howe Island by a british sailing ship.
Literal and figurative comets
Unlike for the Age of Discovery, milestones are still being set in the Age of the Discovery of the Limits for the Universe and for Human Physical Performance.
Coincidentally set by literal and figurative (human) comets.
History of the Discovery of the Limits of the Universe
The exact limits of the Iniverse are known ever since Day 1: the stars, all at the same distance from us.
But there were limits yet to be discovered for two other types of celestial bodies: planets and comets.
Side note: satellites are only details.
Reminder: the moon is neither a detail nor a satellite in in the real Universe, which is represented by the geocentric not by the heliocentric model created by the illuminati to brainwash the masses.
The moon, same as Neptune, is a planet.
Limits of the Universe; the Neptune milestone:
There's no evidence of anyone realizing it at the time of its discovery.
In 1930 Illuminati for the first time officially implicitly denied this milestone by launching the Pluto hoax, the first of a countless series of fake planets created afterwards
Last Prophet implicitly reveealed first the Neptune milestone in the History of the Discovery of the Limits of the Universe when he exposed worldwide first the Pluto type of hoaxes.
As of today, the Illuminati "History" and "Science" books serve the Neptune milestone as:
- set by two astronomers, Urbain Le Verrier, Johann Galle, of two different countries: France, Brittany.
- identified by only one date, 23 September 1846, related to only one of the two names, Galle.
The Age of the Discovery of the Limits of Human Physical Performance
Ongoing since 1979, as italian Pietro Mennea [died 2013] started to set the milestone for maximum speed for whites .
Berlin 2009: Usain Bolt milestone for maximum speed
Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt becomes the fastest man EVER and FOREVER at the Athletics World championhsips by breaking his own records set in the Beijing 2008 Games
[note added: the Beijing records will still be the Olympic records after London 2012, originally scripted as the ver last Olympics, as well as after the extra Rio 2016].
Buit Bolt's 2009 milestone goes beyond the Bool of World records: nobody will ever run faster a 100 and 200 meters race at or near sea level.
In other words: Bolt's milestone is also part of the Book of the Discoveries of Limits, the same book where the discovery of planet Neptune is.
Contrast Bolt's milestone with planet Neptune's discovery:
1. not in one but in two days.
2. in two dates that are precisely identified.
3. by the same athlete.
Contrast Bolt's milestone for all human races with the same milestone "for whites only"
- it started with a 200 meters race, 1979, by italian Pietri Mennea
- it was completetd by another athlete, n the 100 meters race
- it's not yet clear if the "whites only" milestone will stand for ever, main rreason being that it bemefited from altitude.
Milestones for Human Physical Performance: 100/200 vs 400 meters
Same as for the Universe (stars, planets, comets) there are different types of milestones.
Neither the 100 nor the 200 meters alone stand for one of these milestones.
The 200 meters is part of the same limit as the 100 meters, although before Usain Bolt set the 200 meters record in 2007 the same man, Michaael Johnson, was the record holder for both thee 200 and 400 meters
In fact the 400 meters is the ONLY event in the Olympics that ALONE stands for one of the physical limits of Mankind: sustained maximum speed.
The complete list of the limits for Human Physical Performance.
The Olympics motto, "Citius, Altius, Fortius", is a hint.
Citius hints at maximum speed and maximum sustained speed.
Recognizing limit milestones: role of Last Prophet
From Bolt's milestone in the Discovery of the Pysical Human Limits to the Neptune's milestone in the Discovery of the Limits of the Universe: all recognized first by Last Prophet.
The first one immediately after it took place, the second one more than 150 years later.
"Coincidentally" the same Prophet who previously first exposed the illuminati's agenda of falsely accusing champions of natural sports of doping, one of the many End Times hoaxes exposed first by Last Prophet.
Illuminati will execute Bolt at the end of the show - predicted months BEFORE he became the fastest man EVER and FOREVER.
Doping conspiracy echoed by NOBODY ever since it was exposed in the web, 1999:
Doping improves performance in running and jumping" is a lie sold by the illuminati through false accusations to the champions.
Goals include:
- Marketing the chemical industry, the agenda of increased use of drugs, or in other words fulfilling the illuminati religion's "Black is White";
- Discourage youth to get into athletics, destroying the principle of "healthy mind in healthy body", required to totally brainwash youth;
- stage justice, again with the illuminati religion's "Black is White": the biggest deceivers in human history (illuminati, black) combat fraud (justice, white);
- Divert attention from the fact that humans reached the physical limits, part of various agendas, starting with "theory of evolution" (hoax created by illuminati).
Rio Olympics: Total Medals per Capita table - the Grenada paradox
ONE world title out of TWENTY (11 at World Championships and 9 at Olympic Games) is all it takes to officially strip from Bolt what some falsely consider his ultimate milestone, the triple triple at the Olympics.
First headlines, which in a psy-op (in this case setting the stage to accuse Bolt of doping) play a key role:
- either suggest that it's already the script's climax, the execution of Usain Bolt, omiting that at this point it's still about Nesta Carter from Jamaica's relay: "SportsFlash Videos - Usain Bolt stripped of Olympic Gold"
- or simply omit that it starts with Beijing (word not mentioned in headlines) 2008 (word also omitted in article): "Usain Bolt loses gold medal after relay teammate found guilty of doping".
Usain Bolt congratulates Wayde van Niekerk
Wayde van Niekerk's parents share his remarkable story
100 m,
400 m,
Rio 2016,
South Africa,
Usain Bolt,
Van Niekerk
Dec 8, 2008
PACKED shelves, $40 oil shortly before the END - the HORRIBLE TRUTH revealed worldwide first
From thread "HORRIBLE TRUTH about EMPTY grocery shelves and YOU" (1), posted by End Time Prophet.
Prophet words after dialogue with the poster RememberThis:
RememberThis refutes End Time Prophet, who had previously explained that although it is clear that we are at the penultimate stage before the inevitable "empty grocery shelves", nobody is yet ready to die to prevent entering that stage, or better said, to stop the illuminati to launch an attack against Russia: "just got back from the store....the damn shelves were PACKED, and box after box piled in the aisle for the night crew to put away."
Prophet: Thanks for replying, because although the subject of "Why PACKED shelves and $50 oil, shortly before TOTAL collapse" is one of the few core questions left at this point of the timeline, my reply is nothing less than the answer to that, maximally reduced.
HEY FOOL: PACKED shelves at this stage is the same kind of end time sign as oil prices dropping from $150 to as low as just below $50. The penultimate collapse before the ultimate, when the shelves are empty and oil prices resume its exponential rise.
RememberThis insists that PACKED shelves means "business as usual" and dismisses that "why $50 oil" is a core question: "[the damn shelves were PACKED], ... is the same thing I have seen for 46 years. As for that cheap gas, you must have some OilCo stock (sarcasm)"
Prophet: I had to call you fool, because you keep your eyes on what is [STILL] coming, while you refuse to see that there’s nowhere for them to go.
You can begin monitoring the REAL traffic forecast here... “The ships keep coming, but there’s nowhere for the cars to go, ...” (2).
As for the answer to the key question: see context below.
(1) Source: thread 672174 in godlikeproductions, a forum managed by NSA Web of Disinformation, which has now deleted it.
(2) “The ships keep coming, but there’s nowhere for the cars to go,” ...:
The LARGEST ECONOMIC ATTACK in History is UNDERWAY, with Illuminati losing almost a BILLION dollars a day.
The arab agents are used to ensure MAXIMAL output, selling oil way below production costs (a barrel of North Sea oil has average production costs of $135!).
Drastic drop of demand, made this tactic possible. The "OPEC will reduce output" and "BIG OIL Record Profits" announcements are used to cover-up what is going on.
This is the economic version of the illuminati military strategy, the full scale attack against Russia.
What End Times Prophet revealed about the end of ages:
"Although there was never any asteroid impact on Earth ..."
2010 - PUTIN killed and replaced with a double: Illuminati greatest coup in Armageddon
Coup executed by illuminati agents, led by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Videos:
First time in History: Russia under "point of no return" type of military attack and government led by a traitor, nazi agent impersonating Putin.
Prophet words after dialogue with the poster RememberThis:
RememberThis refutes End Time Prophet, who had previously explained that although it is clear that we are at the penultimate stage before the inevitable "empty grocery shelves", nobody is yet ready to die to prevent entering that stage, or better said, to stop the illuminati to launch an attack against Russia: "just got back from the store....the damn shelves were PACKED, and box after box piled in the aisle for the night crew to put away."
Prophet: Thanks for replying, because although the subject of "Why PACKED shelves and $50 oil, shortly before TOTAL collapse" is one of the few core questions left at this point of the timeline, my reply is nothing less than the answer to that, maximally reduced.
HEY FOOL: PACKED shelves at this stage is the same kind of end time sign as oil prices dropping from $150 to as low as just below $50. The penultimate collapse before the ultimate, when the shelves are empty and oil prices resume its exponential rise.
Prophet: I had to call you fool, because you keep your eyes on what is [STILL] coming, while you refuse to see that there’s nowhere for them to go.
You can begin monitoring the REAL traffic forecast here... “The ships keep coming, but there’s nowhere for the cars to go, ...” (2).
As for the answer to the key question: see context below.
(1) Source: thread 672174 in godlikeproductions, a forum managed by NSA Web of Disinformation, which has now deleted it.
(2) “The ships keep coming, but there’s nowhere for the cars to go,” ...:
The LARGEST ECONOMIC ATTACK in History is UNDERWAY, with Illuminati losing almost a BILLION dollars a day.
The arab agents are used to ensure MAXIMAL output, selling oil way below production costs (a barrel of North Sea oil has average production costs of $135!).
Drastic drop of demand, made this tactic possible. The "OPEC will reduce output" and "BIG OIL Record Profits" announcements are used to cover-up what is going on.
This is the economic version of the illuminati military strategy, the full scale attack against Russia.
What End Times Prophet revealed about the end of ages:
"Although there was never any asteroid impact on Earth ..."
"Selling" oil below production costs: as of today, did any of you find that this the answer to the core question anywhere else but in prophet's words? If not, than this answer is an ETIP
2010 - PUTIN killed and replaced with a double: Illuminati greatest coup in Armageddon
Coup executed by illuminati agents, led by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Videos:
First time in History: Russia under "point of no return" type of military attack and government led by a traitor, nazi agent impersonating Putin.
Sep 24, 2008
End of Ages were revealed FIRST and so far ONLY by End Time Prophet
As phase "major banks collapse" begins (1), following the script previously explained by Prophet (2), a poster compares it with an asteroid impact on Earth.
Reply from Prophet:
"Although there was never any asteroid impact on Earth, your comparison still is correct, since this is also not a depression. This is .... the end of an age that has only existed once on Earth, and consequently something that never took place on Earth before.
Reminder: End of another age that also existed only once on Earth, was explained first by same prophet". (3)
(1) See post from 25 January 2008, quoted months later (Oct 9) here
Forums - posted to discussion: "Historical Articles by Matt Marriott from 1998-2000 in the CNN boards"
Added 2013: start with the most spectacular meteor hoax ever staged
Reply from Prophet:
"Although there was never any asteroid impact on Earth, your comparison still is correct, since this is also not a depression. This is .... the end of an age that has only existed once on Earth, and consequently something that never took place on Earth before.
Reminder: End of another age that also existed only once on Earth, was explained first by same prophet". (3)
(1) See post from 25 January 2008, quoted months later (Oct 9) here
Forums - posted to discussion: "Historical Articles by Matt Marriott from 1998-2000 in the CNN boards"
Added 2013: start with the most spectacular meteor hoax ever staged
End of Ages,
End Time,
End Time Prophet,
Jun 27, 2006
Florida real estate End of Pensions fake Garden of Eden
Florida real estate, End of Pensions at fake Garden of Eden
The End of the Age of Pensions and the dramatic reduction of Land at the End of the Age.
What Florida and the Garden of Eden have to do with it.
From June 2006, intro added Nov 2012.
Introduction 2006 prophecy by Last Prophet nears fulfillment
Nov 23 2012, one month after Hurricane Sandy, Video with this description:
Fort Lauderdale Beach erosion, 4 weeks after Hurricane Sandy in Florida
The beach is now gone. Not only that but the beach wall and sidewalk are gone too!
Last Prophet's words from June 2006 ...
Introduced by a reply, one day later:
"The people on the beach are paying BIG dollars now for homeowners insurance. Some as much as 30,000 per year.
Plus the property taxes have skyrocketed too, with the recent run up in valuations.
The funny thing is that these homeowners are trapped on the beach by a motionless realestate market.
Many want to move off the beach but can't. They are being drained financially by taxes and insurance."
The article that poster replied to:
Florida real estate and the Garden of Eden: End of Age of Pensions and dramatic reduction of Land at the End of the Age
God created the ultimate real luxury, the Garden of Eden, at the Begin of the Age.
The Garden of Eden stands for the first land reduction in the History of Mankind.
The Age of Pensions appears during End Times, when nothing escapes the Laws of End Times Reductionism.
End Times, when Reality is dramatically reduced by Illusion.
The end of the Age of Pensions begun by slow fire, the same way the Age of Pensions begun.
But Age of Pensions will now end with a BIG BANG, shortly before the final BIG BANG terminates the Age, while Land is dramatically reduced.
One of the illusions of the Age of Pensions was the Sunshine State, Florida, where not even one square meter escapes this: a climate not suitable for whites (not only scandinavian but also latin races) for half of the year.
"Coincidentally" Florida is also the prime candidate for the dramatic reductions of land at the End of the Age.
Nov 23 2012, Fort Lauderdale Beach erosion on A1A:
Age of Pensions will now end with a BIG BANG - For Last Prophet's words from 2005 start here, Oct 2013:
Land dramatically reduced during End Times as explained by the final Laws
The End of the Age of Pensions and the dramatic reduction of Land at the End of the Age.
What Florida and the Garden of Eden have to do with it.
From June 2006, intro added Nov 2012.
Introduction 2006 prophecy by Last Prophet nears fulfillment
Nov 23 2012, one month after Hurricane Sandy, Video with this description:
Fort Lauderdale Beach erosion, 4 weeks after Hurricane Sandy in Florida
The beach is now gone. Not only that but the beach wall and sidewalk are gone too!
Last Prophet's words from June 2006 ...
Introduced by a reply, one day later:
"The people on the beach are paying BIG dollars now for homeowners insurance. Some as much as 30,000 per year.
Plus the property taxes have skyrocketed too, with the recent run up in valuations.
The funny thing is that these homeowners are trapped on the beach by a motionless realestate market.
Many want to move off the beach but can't. They are being drained financially by taxes and insurance."
The article that poster replied to:
Florida real estate and the Garden of Eden: End of Age of Pensions and dramatic reduction of Land at the End of the Age
God created the ultimate real luxury, the Garden of Eden, at the Begin of the Age.
The Garden of Eden stands for the first land reduction in the History of Mankind.
The Age of Pensions appears during End Times, when nothing escapes the Laws of End Times Reductionism.
End Times, when Reality is dramatically reduced by Illusion.
The end of the Age of Pensions begun by slow fire, the same way the Age of Pensions begun.
But Age of Pensions will now end with a BIG BANG, shortly before the final BIG BANG terminates the Age, while Land is dramatically reduced.
One of the illusions of the Age of Pensions was the Sunshine State, Florida, where not even one square meter escapes this: a climate not suitable for whites (not only scandinavian but also latin races) for half of the year.
"Coincidentally" Florida is also the prime candidate for the dramatic reductions of land at the End of the Age.
Nov 23 2012, Fort Lauderdale Beach erosion on A1A:
Age of Pensions will now end with a BIG BANG - For Last Prophet's words from 2005 start here, Oct 2013:
Land dramatically reduced during End Times as explained by the final Laws
Fort Lauderdale,
Garden of Eden,
real estate,
Sep 21, 2005
Last glimpse of an age coming to an end - Satellite Photo
Last glimpse of an age coming to an end - Satellite Photo
The end of an age that lasted thousands of years.
Update: Add 1+1 to get the missing image
Pravda forum article where photo was posted can no longer be found.
It's still possible to imagine what did that image show by adding these two images:
1. First post, Sept 2, 2005, shows "Pictures of "human cattle" (illuminati) being transported to be slaughtered".
But it's the photo referenced by one of following posts that is relevant to start the 1+1 sum:
"Did I read in those news that it begun with a sinking oil rig?
LAST PROPHET's words from 1998, with photo archived first 2002:"

Source: Article started 4 days after Hurricane Katrina
2. see image in first post at:
Sept 25, 2005 Hurricane Rita: First aerial photos: Western Louisiana Coast has been WIPED OUT
Reply from Sept 23, 2005: -- (archived)
The end of an age that lasted thousands of years.
Update: Add 1+1 to get the missing image
Pravda forum article where photo was posted can no longer be found.
It's still possible to imagine what did that image show by adding these two images:
1. First post, Sept 2, 2005, shows "Pictures of "human cattle" (illuminati) being transported to be slaughtered".
But it's the photo referenced by one of following posts that is relevant to start the 1+1 sum:
"Did I read in those news that it begun with a sinking oil rig?
LAST PROPHET's words from 1998, with photo archived first 2002:"

Source: Article started 4 days after Hurricane Katrina
2. see image in first post at:
Sept 25, 2005 Hurricane Rita: First aerial photos: Western Louisiana Coast has been WIPED OUT
Reply from Sept 23, 2005: -- (archived)
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